'For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life' (John 3:16)

Friday, March 27, 2009

OH Mother Nature...


A week ago it was 87 degrees outside. We boughts some ice cream from the ice cream truck, got out our shorts and sunblock, turned on the sprinkler and had a good time.

Yesterday is was 82 degrees out and we went to the park and played for a few hours with our cousins since it is spring break.

Today we woke up to 25 degrees and SNOW!

Front yard

Back yard

Forcast for tomorrow...65 to 70...what is going on Mother Nature???

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Cadzilla...

Caden turned 5 on March 12th and we couldn't have asked our Heavenly Father for a more AWESOME Son and Brother.

He's always making us laugh. Here he is cheering on the Coyote Basketball team in Albuquerque as they took the State title this year.

Taking a break in 07 in Ephrata Wa.

Painting with Caden is always fun. Spokane,Wa 2005

One of Mommy and Daddy's favorite pictures of Caden when he was 2 year old.

Always putting himself in others shoes that's our Caden.

Sweet boy... WE LOVE YOU! Can't wait to see what the next year brings with Kindergarten and Dance and whatever else you venture into. We know you'll be GREAT~

Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Results are in...

Baby Bair #3 will be...

A Butterfly...

showing off all his boy parts...

He's already so HANDSOME! Just 18 weeks left until we can hold him! Sorry for those of you who guessed girl...We make such cute boys, why mess up a good thing?