'For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life' (John 3:16)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

DAY #1 Recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

1.I belong to THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATER DAY SAINTS, I know who I am I know God's plan, I'll follow him in faith!

2.I LOVE to sing and can sing a song I've only heard once...however...don't ask me to sight read!

3.I enjoy "pretending" I'm the NEXT GREAT BAKER

4.I have small anxiety attacks when I have to leave my children for more than a few hours...it doesn't matter who I leave them with, still have them.

5.I am a crime fighting, nose wiping, Lego building, sword fighting, dig in the dirt Super Hero to my 3 energetic boys.

6.I am currently doing the Biggest Loser 30 day jump start and have lost 6 lbs. in two weeks. Who would have thought watching your portion size and working out would make you loose weight??? :)

7.I am not a beauty school dropout, however, I don't enjoy doing hair as much as I used too. Not sure why...just not enjoying it...maybe too many clients who think I am a magician????

8.My children DO CHORES!!! If chores, homework, scripture reading aren't done sorry boys no DSI or WII...some parents disagree... we'll see how their kids behave in 10 years :)

9.I enjoy food! I'll try anything, as long as it is cooked, at least once!

10.I LOVE the HEAT! So good thing we live in New Mexico...it's warm pretty much all year and scorching the rest of the time.

11.I am currently the Primary President in my ward and went to Relief Society while visiting another ward last week...I felt COMPLETELY out of place!!!! soooooo....

12. I LOVE PRIMARY!!! I was so intimidated and insecure in my calling for the first 5 months, I had to pray away the fear daily, and now...I am at home there.

13.I LOVE my CHRISTMAS gift from my husband(see picture)! I can't wait to take some photography courses from my dear friend, Tonya Peterson.

14.I was nicknamed booger face by my loving siblings when I was a toddler...due to a scar I have on my face from a booger. Long story short if a booger dries on your face while your sleeping get a warm washcloth to wipe it off. DON'T try to scratch it off!

15.I get claustrophobic! Even in my home if there is too much stuff...so I DE-clutter often and recently realized I need to really start THINKING every purchase through so I don't clutter my home!

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